Monday, May 30, 2011

Living In Our SUV

It’s not too bad now that we got the three of them pushed up back to back
Sawed off the steering wheels and put cardboard on the bedroom windows
We got a couple plastic buckets marked for carrying water in and our peepee out
It’s a prime spot on the old interstate real close to the dump where we all work

Took my little sister down to the river for her first  bath just last week
Momma still ain’t strong enough to walk and she looks really pale
I’monna try to find her a star magazine as I work the trash today
Yup, we’re hearing that the fundamentals are still looking pretty strong

There’s lots of stuff to burn but the fumes get pretty smelly up inside the cab
Someday we’ll take over a big rig down at the truck stop and all live like kings
Every once in a while one of them black helicopters flies by real low overhead
Sometimes they drop them sacks of protein pills and that stuff we call happy candy

Our little dog caught 3 rats for us last week and we had a dandelion salad
I found a paper insert with all the stuff that used to be on sale ever saturday
Them scabs that started on my brother have covered pert near his whole arm
We think we can get a microloan to go buy some of those nice new orange jump suits

A group of us found a mound and laid out a cross made of stones up on top
Just last month somethin they called a jet flew over real high and on by so serene
It’s always hot except when the giant storms blow in and wash away the urine smells
We know from all the screaming not to make the slightest sound all night

Jesus is bringing guns and sweets and coffee said the man who killed my uncle
They lynched a guy who ate a dog that was guarding a family’s drying skunk meat
We attack some of the people who wander by and some of them steal from us
They’re looking at robust growth going forward because the basics are all in place

It’s great when they scatter those paper leaflets that help us start our cooking fires
My dad is the oldest left since all the gray hairs died a couple springs ago
They tell me it’ll soon be my duty to start having as many kids as I can, with their help
Daddy says our SUVs used to get packed to overflowing with food and clothes and toys

That fellow with his pencil was going on about some post-modern apocalypse
Jennie saw a camouflaged vehicle with guys inside in plastic suits and face masks
Some boys found 2 bottles of whiskey and raped my sister and then crippled each other
The women have all taken to wailing real mournful like around noon every day

Fires start up and flame out of control day and night and the burns look just awful
Mommie cried as she told me that this bleeding just meant I was now a woman
Somebody told me I better hush up unless I can start to speak some English
The bearded man said if I just believe, a reward of eternal paradise awaits me

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