Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Stood So Limply By

I stood by, and the best that I could muster up was just a couple squishy tears
I simply watched, numbed with shock, and did not stop the bulldozers gouging
I did not raise a finger as we eviscerated the very habitat that kept us all alive
I sat in silence reading of the disappearance of one species after another

I barely noticed our chances for survival as they disappeared in my rearview mirror
I did not press them to build things meant to last or which might even be repaired
I just let them go on de-humanizing animals into identical factory protein units
I bred, in a tacit acceptance of our witless and self-destructive overpopulation

I never even questioned that foolish, wasteful and expensive necessity known as war
I let them preach greedy unsustainable profit at the expense of all our futures
I watched as they spent more than they had on destructive toys that they quickly cast aside
I stood by as they made our important decisions in talks with their very own personal saviors

I deflected the many unrelated facts which pointed towards the need for real change
I observed from a distance as smugly smirking politicos confidently called the shots
I stood by and let simple mono-maniacal control freaks press their warped personal agendas upon us
I turned away from mounting evidence that we brought on our own slide into a dark abyss

I sat grimly on their sidelines as they played their shortsighted and selfish game
I stood by doing nothing to stop myself from being part of all that I condemned
I let them twist my angry silence into an approval of their boundless greed as our guiding light
I avoided conflict and let them carry out the wanton destruction they anointed as our progress

I simply kibitzed while they de-constructed this living earth and all its systems
I did not lift a finger as the lilies of the field were replaced by barren, hot, black asphalt
I looked right past the poverty, suffering and illness as I hurried on by to work every day
I stood by as it got hotter, drier and dirtier - convinced there was really nothing I could do

I only passively ignored their mindless, but expensive, mind-numbing media spectacles
I foolishly tended just to my own implanted needs thinking so would things work out alright
I stood by with but a blank look as a series of precious wonders disappeared forever
I did not get up and shout, much less so much as raise a hand in mild disagreement

I never even once protested the ecological holocaust of our convenience-driven advances
I stood by in silence as the teeming masses wasted or polluted all of our basic resources
I did not clean up the roadsides, beaches, rivers, lakes and forests that we fouled
I never mentioned how I despised their all-consuming pursuit of consumer goods

I stood by with hands free but not helping those who tried honestly to do better
I merely watched in amazement as we grew fatter and dumber, sicker and lazier
I did not speak out nearly enough to counter their glib lies and foolish promises
I leaned my fat belly on a shovel while the potholes grew and multiplied all around me

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