with an unwavering and blind faith in our
choice from all of those
One True Gods
The blind hand of the marketplace unerringly creates optimal
economic solutions
Thus, toxic emissions from our vehicles should not be
saddled with artificial taxes
But weapons producers can increase demand through promotion
of phony bogeymen
Given our love of exotic hardwoods, loggers quite naturally
clear cut and sell them all
Pure supply and demand is always superior to meddling
government social interventions
Strictly for-profit healthcare will provide all the medical
services the old, sick & poor really need
If it is cheaper to bulldoze cropland than to redevelop
strip malls, that alone makes it proper
Exterminating predators in competition for our domestic
cattle is natural to market economics
Quite naturally, social costs cannot be found on the ledgers
of brave entrepreneurs
Nobody profits from forests quietly filtering drinking
water, so their rate of return is zero
Producers need not pay for problems their contaminated dust
brings to far off lands
Making coal clean is inefficient and costs the consumer
more, so it is to be avoided
Air and water are free goods and pollution controls are
simply taxes, not investments
Capitalists will always be rewarded for reducing prices
through slashing labor costs
If the Chinese will pay $600/oz, starving tribesman will
sell all the ivory they can gun down
Factory trawlers can rob an old african fishing village of
its living in the name of globalism
Short-term crop increases justify the overuse of fossil water
and costly, dangerous chemicals
It is merely simpleminded idealism to hope for economic
self-interest to be tempered with altruism
Our financials contain no long-term debt reflecting
unsustainable resource usage
I can use my 300 hp SUV solely as an air-conditioner because
the gas is all I need to pay for
Why add costly insulation to my home when energy costs less
the more that I use
Neither the producer nor the consumer has any economic
incentive to recycle
Laissez-faire allows prices to rise until scarce goods are
simply driven to extinction
A dirt-poor consumer lacks
incentive to drive producers towards sustainable practices
Government income transfers are an unnatural artifact which
corrupt a pure economy
Hiring illegal immigrants at a fraction of market rate is
rational economic behavior
Using a cheap, unregulated foreign food ingredients yields a
clever competitive advantage
Shifting production overseas saves costs and justifiably
brings executives great rewards
A large, poor, uneducated, young workforce benefits
producers of consumer goods
Realistically, pension plans make no business sense and are
to be eliminated via bankruptcy
Citizens should pay their own way in free retirement and
healthcare marketplaces
Tying electablility to fundraising neatly marries
entrepreneurship with politics
Certainly, we can rely on supply and demand curves to
intersect at sustainable catch levels
We reflect with pride on our pollution reduction, having
exported all of our factories
A no-strings bailout of the Too-Big-To-Fail will produce a
blossoming of industrial self-regulation
We will simply let the marketplace test the survivability of
these so-called endangered species