Monday, June 6, 2011

Yo, Conservatives: Do You Really?

Do you really ignore their careless toxic dust way up your nose and far down your lungs
Are you good with harshly ignorant laborers throwing up cheap shit all in your face
Is their flimsy pre-fab on flattened and devastated earth a relief to your tired eyes
Does that smoggy orange haze that you drive through soften your haunted outlook

Do you really fulfill your spirit from some musty old book supposedly written by a god
Can you actually enjoy that giant, poorly-engineered, way-overpriced gas guzzler
Do you think the lame media in which you immerse yourself helps you to grope your way thru
Are you still so sure you won’t live long enough to need any Medicare or Social Security

Do you really think energy efficiency spells the end of what you mistake for comfort
Do you perhaps take a vicarious pride in our cowboy diplomacy and wars of liberation
Are you gathering cosmic truth in your cycle of meaningless work and mindless recreation
Has living for today and grabbing all that you can not even worn you just a little bit thin

Does it grow difficult to lose yourself in prescribed meds, alcohol, religion or media rapture
Can you truly believe that our blind and greedy rush can continue even another 100 years
Have you actually considered the size and permanence of your stumbling daily footprint
Did you ever answer if you’re better off in today’s version of Morning In America

Do you really think if you just keep the family safe and happy everything will simply work out OK
Does the blasting noise of all the cars and harleys and trucks somehow blend to soothe you
Can you find safe and quiet refuge in the crumbling home that’s worth less than you owe
Is yours a parallel worklife with the next piece of veal in one more prairie dog cubicle farm

Do you really think that polarized 2 party gridlock inevitably gropes us forward
Must you judge all your actions with regard to convenience and time savings
Are you ok with those who fed chalky poison to babies helping provide food for your children
Do you really feel that things will just work out and we’ll muddle through like always

Do you really think it’s progress to channelize the rivers and fill in all the wetlands
Are you maybe only accelerating blindly toward some as yet unspecified objectives
Will you really reflect back in satisfied wisdom as you are fed and excrete thru medical tubes
Does their sporadic and uncontrolled noise really not rattle your uninsured teeth

Do you really not notice the billion wasteful and paranoid lights blotting out all the stars
Is adjusting the thermostat to your comfort really your only solution to climate change
Have you truly found peace of mind in a round of golf or an expensive pedicure
Do you not weary of making this or that hole a little bit bigger while moving it elsewhere

Do you really ignore the endless tolling of extinction, heat, drought and pollution
Aren’t you often looking forward for weeks to vacations that you do not even remember later
Can you actually believe that unencumbered greed is, in reality, sacred enlightened self-interest
Do you really sleep soundly thru the night, wake up refreshed - just to do it all once again

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