I say “bring ‘em on’ over here so we can strip ‘em , whip
‘em and hang ‘em
We know what they look like and, buddy, it sure ain’t nethin
like us
We’ll light ‘em up when they’re stooping down on top of them
little towels
Why bother shipping all that stuff over there, just give us
them weapons and ammunition
We can cut em down in the Wal*Mart parking lot and drag em
over behind the church
I say let’s burn their fekin mosques when they go inside
seekin’ santuary
We ain’t scared to fight ‘em here,, and besides we got no
damn business over there
You don’t even have to pay us as long as there’s guns,
refreshments and medics available
We’ll search them out like rats - with dogs and burn ‘em in
bonfires for everyone to see
They can put it on TV and make a lot of money on ads and
slick promotional shit
Hell, spend that money here and we can be happy killin and
prosperin economically
Just let some fucking jihadis darken my door and then
they’ll see what happens in a gotdam hurry
Hopefully, they try to tell us to grow beards and kiss on
some little carpet 5 times a day
just let them tell my wife once to cover up her damn face
and they’ll find theyselfs in little pens
Don’t forget that Jesus is with us here and covers our butts
as we stomp on their faces
If we fight them here we don’t waste our money there in that
stinkin, fly-ridden dessert
Won’t none of their heathen innocent citizens get hurt if we
cap the bad ones right here
We’ll pose for pictures atop heaps of their corpses stacked
in the backs of our pickup trucks
Local TV can show drawings of suspects and we’ll cruise in
our trucks and pick ‘em off
We can video their torture and post it on the internet as an
invite for ther friends
Lets fight them here so we don’t have to go way over there and
get all like bogged down & shit
Lets everybody start on their own street alookin for sign of
they evil, antichrist horseshit
We’ll blow ‘em up together publicly with their own suicide
cell phones and car bombs
The army can pay us as civilian contractors and private
security forces right here at home
We can RFID all honest citizens and have open season on
anyone who don’t scan
Which fekin chickenshit was it anyway said we’re afraid to
have to fight ‘em here?
We’ll publicize their mass shallow graves and arrest them
when they come down to mourn
Let’s put a bounty on their robed caliphate asses just like
we did with them other varmints
Let’s fight them here so I can teach my boys how to get her
done real young
It’d be a great economic stimulus cause we’d need lots of
services and supplies
I say don’t let’s just Bring Em On, I’m sayin Bring Em On
Over Here, with tattooed foreheads
We can start by setting them fuckheads down in Gitmo loose
somewhere in Arkansas
Ain’t gonna be no liberal protests when we save their homes
from bath-robed martyrs
Instead of gettin unemployment, the outsourced can join up
with the local militia
We’ll fight our way out of this here recession locally,
battling godless foreign heathen
we can restore our world image by bravely resistin invading terrarist killers,
right here at home
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