Monday, June 20, 2011

No Longer The Man I Only Thought I Was

I’m not the man now I just used to think that I was before
Anymore, I’m not the man I only thought I was
I am no longer the man who once used to believe I was
I’m simply not the same man I really never was

It’s really just not like we only thought it was before
Things aren’t like we used to make them out to seem to be
Nowadays just aren’t the same as we used to have them feel
It’s different now than we simply believed it would be, before

Tomorrow isn’t even what we thought it was going to be
The future isn’t as bright as we could see it, way back then
Our kids real lives don’t match the fairytales we always told them
The future is simply not the same as how we held it up before us

I’m really not the man I believed I was always in the act of becoming
Yesterday just ain’t the same as we made it out to be back then
These days are different than that ancient history of ten long years ago
Pretty soon has been disconnected from the good times we were waiting for

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