Friday, June 17, 2011

Leading The Undeveloping World

Lighting this new and self-inflicted Dark Age with our blindingly intolerant religions
Scoffing at any scientists whose work contradicts our faith - Or that of our donors
Denying millions to what we trumpet as the world’s finest health care system
Increasing illiteracy rates with every graduating class of our overweight and spoiled children

Devolving freedom of the press into cheerfully-empty, commercially-safe soundbites
Encouraging the ignorant poor to breed freely as the educated opt out of parenthood
Arming ourselves with god’s blessing for any neo-crusade our leaders see fit to pursue
Letting our infrastructure crumble around us but automatically raising cost-plus military spending

Rejecting investment in actual business for artificial speculation in phony financial innovations
Refusing to set any example on emissions and energy use for developing countries
Encouraging our own Balkanization through expensive multi-lingual governance
Rewarding phony, closeted leaders for exporting research, engineering, production and support

Building up vast stores of usable materials in our dumps for future hand-gathering by our descendants
Leading the world in time spent at war, anorexia, tv-watching, debt and obesity
Being the most aware of the importance of reality shows and entertainment news
Far ahead at portraying environmental issues as wacko threats to family and economy

Twisting the pursuit of happiness into a god-given right to shortsighted, selfish greed
Granting ever more control to the rich while patronizingly-fleecing the shrinking middle class
Measuring the success of political candidates through their fundraising results
Exporting our pollution to third world industry then scolding them on human rights

Being governed by multi-generational, aristocratically-inbred, star-power families
Rigging voting districts upon our election to ensure a continuing stream of victories
Requiring illegal workers since we made the jobs, conditions and pay so very poor we wont do them
Institutionalizing a paralyzed two-party system as if it were mandated by our sacred constitution

Profiting handsomely by encouraging polarization through destructive and divisive opinionating
Encouraging a faux economic growth through the promotion of negative savings rates
Performing phony political litmus tests like gun control, abortion, flag burning and gay marriage
Increasing our infant mortality and bringing back vitamin deficiency, TB and malnutrition

Smugly relying on disappearing non-renewables for all our inefficient daily activities
Cynically rejecting sustainability as an expensive hoax spun by elitist liberal conspirators
Keeping the military in check by granting it a hefty budget increase every single year
Speaking with a country twang to mask your elitist background and ownership by the corporations

Stalling progress by staying on expensively-crafted but childishly-simple message in virtuoso fashion
Scoffing with a god-granted exceptionist superiority at global opinion, morality and lifestyle
So-called 3rd world Costa Rica has a higher literacy rate than the undeveloping United States

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