Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Search Results Are Ready

I ran for the canyons but they was dammed, flooded and already way silted up
I made for the mountains but them empty second homes kept me fenced way outside
I went out to float the rivers but the drought had turned them into dirty little dribbles
Took off for the woods but they had burned down and dried to blackened ashes

Left on a road trip for safe family adventure and found a string of filthy restrooms
Went fishing with the kids but had to tell them that we couldn’t eat our poisoned catch
Fought traffic down to the ocean to watch as strange and dangerous objects washed ashore
The Doc cured my lifestyle-induced disease just in time to make his golf game

Headed for the wilderness but my GPS wasn’t working so I went on over to the mall
Took the speedboat down to the reservoir but there was no water left for to ride on
Got up real early to enjoy the quiet and heard brave construction workers roaring by
Said I’d rather fight them here than there and was labeled as a cowardly cut-and-runner

Got all ready for the winter but every day stayed real warm and it was way too dry
Called for action on climate change so they set the clocks back a whole week later, in the fall
Went searching for the great West from one chain restaurant and hotel to another
I journeyed to our great outdoors and found the discarded toxic remnants of a meth lab

Climbed a rocky mountain and was passed by the many hurried hi-tech peak baggers
I went to hike the mystic arroyos but they were clean choked up with exotic species
I sought the ancient wisdom of the Indians, and so I journeyed to their new casinos
I watched the electrically sprinkled fossil water simply evaporate, shining in the wind

Talked to the wise men in their giant pickups and they told me that they’d just tell me what
Listened, mesmerized by the agents looks and voice, as she pitched the mountain sunsets
Learned to help clamor for the always more, the ever bigger and the even cheaper
Worked to realize our manifest destiny by plopping strip malls from coast to coast

Sought out that shady grove I had heard about but got turned around on the interstate
Rode out of the valley and gazed back upon the ozone layer that covered up our town
Loved that down home country music as it brayed down to my pickup via satellite radio
I searched for the wisdom of the elderly and they told me I just best not get too old

Quietly paddled our canoe through the wakes of pleasure trawlers and jet ski madness
Meditated to the blessed randomly and sporadic high-decibel outbursts of our progress
I enjoyed the financed memories of a lifetime at handicap accessible vista overlook points
Heard god’s amplified word at our friendly megachurch and then stopped down to Wal*Mart

I went to seek the wisdom of the retired CEOs but their compounds were walled and locked
I sought the peace of the starry desert but found it full of wackos, bristling with guns
Put great faith in freedom of the press then saw that it depended solely on selling advertising
I went back to eat at Grandma’s house once more but Dad had sold it off way, way long ago

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