Saturday, June 25, 2011

Never Even Dreamed We Were So Clueless

How was I to foresee they would suddenly outsource my position to 4 third-worlders?
We could not have known that there was not enough water for us all, out here in Las Vegas
Never knew how fragile that Big Oil teat we all loved so dearly really was
Had no idea our homes would not be free ATMs for all the rest of everybody’s lives

Were so surprised that our financial industry created the credit mess that ruined us
Shocked that our special kids would not lead the world, much less find decent jobs
Could not imagine ourselves as profitable examples of energy usage and innovation
Did not realize the wasteful habits that I thought saved me time did not pay off at all, in the end

Ignored those irrelevant foreigners moving in other directions, leaving us far behind
Never even dreamed that retirement would become such a quaint and bygone concept
Consternated to find it so expensive to leave the big screen plugged in 24 hours every day
Surprised to be deciding between the mortgage, groceries, heating and health care

Could not possibly have grasped our utter dependence on Chinese goods for our very lives
Did not expect to see poor families living in giant SUVs that would never run again
Was stunned when a leader finally said we might need to do more while using less
Flabbergasted as the roads became impassible, dams broke and bridges were declared unsafe

How could I have foreseen myself unemployable, uninsured and without any savings at 50?
Why would I have ever worried about what they called this junk science of climate change?
Never even thought a negative savings rate might not be proper for His chosen people
Did not conceive that I’d ever see kids picking through dumps for what I had thrown away

Not even wackos mentioned we should treat domestic animals with the golden rule
Shocked to find there were no more jobs that I could not even afford to commute to
Certainly never thought My family had a hand in some vast, mass extinction of the seas
How were we supposed to know that such cheerful lawn products poisoned our drinking water?

Mighty surprised to learn how much oil all those disposable plastic bags had cost us
Could never have foreseen that my lifestyle would have caused me all these diseases
Did not think once that the boys really should have learned to read and to do the math
Why should I have worried about overpopulation when God had told us to just go on forth?

Never even dreamed I wouldn’t be laughing at them treehuggerss driving teeny cars
Got caught flatfooted when I couldn’t get another home equity loan to go on vacation again
I had never even considered I could not afford to dine out for lunch, 3 times a week
Always took it for granted that defense and healthcare would cost a lot more every year

Surely, I could not have predicted we would run out of credit and petroleum both at once
Never could have dreamed consumer spending would stop being the cure-all for all our economic ills
Didn’t cross my mind how much they planned to charge me for a simple death with dignity
How would I have known I was just hearing voices when I thought I was talking to my savior?

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