Monday, June 13, 2011

Allahu Akbar

God is the greatest <whichever one you choose>
God is Great, or so we shout, leaping righteously at each other’s unbelieving throats
And why not, for has He not revealed only to us, His chosen people, His living word
He grants us access to an inner strength that our fearful minds are otherwise denied
He relieves us of the monstrous uncertainty that envelops us in this frightening universe

Of course! We must raise arms to defend His loving message against the teeming infidels
Quite naturally our God is male and no foolish mother nature or some sexless spirit
We can go forth sealed in the ironclad certitude arising out of our mindless prayers
Allahu Akbar and He seriously does say to cover women’s faces and to grow out your beards

Faith and prayer will be answered, if not in this world, then, in the paradise to come
God remains great even if others twist and pervert His word to their selfish and greedy ends
Yes, He commends you to martyr your hopeless life while spokesmen make His videos
Obviously, He is taking an active interest in your stand on the sanctity of marriage

All our seemingly pointless hate and death and war really are His Divine Will being done
We greet each other, my unsmiling brothers, with the phony shibboleth of an Allahu Akbar
He grants us dispensation to quote Him freely out of context as meets our selfish needs
Our Lord Shiva adorns our missiles and His fellows sanctify our sick but cozy caste system

Private internal dialogs with our Personal Saviors yield irrevocable and guilt-free decisions
He gave us the Inquisition, the Taleban, Al-Qaeda and the New World Holocaust
Acting in His name they pimp various paradises which require only a simple but total faith
Twisting the fiction of His word, they channel our trusting belief towards their need to power

Yes, God is still great and the truth He revealed is absolutely no invention of man
We can stone disobedient women and burn the heretical at the stake in His name
Given their active imaginations, there is nothing in their commands that our faith cannot justify
Yes, we know evil when it raises its head and we recognize that the Great Satan is among us

He watches over us all tallying our sins and working in mysterious ways to test our faith
He knows all beforehand, sees everything, yet still awaits our decision to accept Him
And if you pray for a dogmatic guidance long enough, He’ll probably speak with you, as well
What a burden of anxiety lifted and awful guilt over our actions re-forged into pride

You can safely let go your fate into His hands reciting Allahu Akbar until you pass away
But, you must listen when others tell of His commands that the enemy be destroyed
For this is a non-negotiable package deal from which you must accept all or burn in Hell
Oh yes, and don’t forget that you’ll also receive a personal relationship with your Savior

So if you play by their rules you can live happily and get to dwell in Heaven forever
Right, and they’ll throw in assorted ancient dusty prophets, mysteries and miracles
You can lose your fear of death and accept all their horrors as simply part of God’s will
God is great and He can ease your fears if you just blindly grant Him, and us, your fictional soul

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