Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Spoon-Fed Denials

I let them deny others the health care that might have threatened their fat bonuses
I integrated that unmerciful Social Darwinism right into my canned Traditional Family Values®
I merrily defaulted on my overdrawn home loan right alongside all the other negative savers
I blotted out their suffering in a haze of preoccupation with my artificial stress and worry

I realized that gutted landscapes and dirty air were but a small price to pay for our progress
I said I did not mean to smash the doors of their teeny cars climbing down from my truck
I saw that we could not retain all our wondrous choices without market-based medicine
I ignored so-called scientific experts at the well-rehearsed urging of politicos in corporate ads

I adopted respected business leaders lack of interest in the mistreatment of illegales
I went right along in denial of any fiscal holocaust brought on by chronic overspending
I knew that health statistics were twisted by those seeking to socialize our healthcare
I saw there was simply too much uncertainty to risk taking any expensive climate action

I spurned the defeatists unspoken contention that we should fight them here not there
I never even considered the gaming and credit industries as foolish wasteful scams
I let them put off our infrastructure needs as I made my own minimum monthly payments
I learned not to be so affronted by their disgusting political presence in leadership positions

I denied my guilt and looked forward, without any comment, to clearing my good name
I laughed scornfully when they said we were all robbers ransacking other’s futures
I did not notice the lack of prevention for diseases insurers strove not to pay to treat
I realized that Europeans denied our god-granted exceptionist role at their own risk

I let them subsidize their corporate owners ethanol boondoggles to try and crush solar power
I lived in denial thinking that people, the government and my wife could all change
I chose to ignore that we could no longer swim in or eat the fish from our lakes
I did not check their sources and later backed them in compounding their mistakes

I missed the poverty increasing, the middle class disappearing and the rich getting richer
I evinced not the slightest hesitation in continuing to spiral our defense spending
I let outsiders bulldoze the farms, meadows, forests and wetlands for quick, one-time profits
I lay sweating in fear that the socialists would not allow me to choose my own doctor

I learned to overlook the ignorant, noisy and wasteful wreckreation that they so enjoyed
I never even mentioned our own overpopulation being the root of most of our problems
I calmly accepted that we must always spend more to prepare for our certain next war
I never believed things would just collapse due to our refusal to fund national infrastructure

I scoffed with everyone else at the foolish antics of the environmental wackos
I accepted without real thought that it might require a lawyer to get to see a doctor
I calmly awaited the new and better jobs they had promised me as I was being outsourced
I denied other’s true convictions and proclaimed ours alone as the only real true Word of God

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